CBN Social Housing Loan Registration Portal

CBN Social Housing Loan Registration Portal The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced a financing initiative to support the Federal Government’s Economic Sustainability programme, the plan by the apex bank is to fund the Social Housing programme to the tune of N200bn. Here are some 5 things you need to know about the mortgage loan and how to be a beneficiary.

Looking for how to apply the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) N200 Billion Social Housing Loan Initiative? Do you want to apply for CBN social housing initiative? If then, this page is all you need to get started. We will guide you through the necessary steps you need to apply for this loan.

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CBN Social Housing Loan Registration Portal

The CBN N200b Social Housing Loan Initiative is currently ongoing. The registration portal for this project is

Family Homes Funds (FHFL) has a commitment to put 500,000 families in homes by 2025 and in the process, create 1,500,000 jobs

We are addressing the Nigerian housing deficit by providing accessible financing for affordable housing projects that align closely with the New Urban Agenda and the Global Goals promoting sustainable cities and communities, reduced poverty, good health and well-being, clean water, sanitation, decent work, economic growth, and reduced inequalities. We partner with Developers and Direct Finance Institutions that meet our strategic objectives

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Our Vision

The vision of the Family Homes Funds Limited (FHFL) is to use housing to improve the living standards of Nigerians on low income by building quality homes, providing home ownership financing solutions and creating jobs through the process.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to commit our capital, a skilled and passionate team, and work with partners to drive initiatives that provide lasting solutions for the provision of home ownerships for Nigerians on low income. We will ensure that we are focused, have excellent processes and remain accountable to our stakeholders.

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The following key principles govern FHFL Loan Financing:

Eligible Entities: FHFL may only provide loan to registered corporate entities (public or private) whose Memorandum and Article of Association permit it to carry out house-building business and who meet FHFL’s eligibility criteria.

Eligible Projects: FHFL will only finance social housing projects which meet set out eligibility criteria, particularly in relation to target beneficiaries, costs, environmental
and social impact and risk rating;

Partnership: FHFL financing decision will be made within the context of a partnership with the developers. This implies recognition and commitment to the goals and objective of the Fund particularly our focus on housing people on low income and job creation;

Distribution: FHFL seeks to complete projects in every state of the federation.

Viability: FHFL will only support projects which are financially viable. Projects must reasonably demonstrate that receipts from the project will be sufficient to pay any loans advanced by FHFL.

Borrowers Eligibility and Requirements.

Eligible Borrowers: Subject to meeting other requirements, FHFL will consider financing projects promoted by eligible borrowers.

Eligible borrowers are in 2 categories:

  • a) Public Sector Borrower – defined as:
    • – The Federal Government, any of the 36 State
      Governments and the Federal Capital Territory of the Republic of Nigeria;
    • – An appropriate agency of the Federal Government, any of the 36 State Governments and the Federal Capital Territory of the Republic of Nigeria;
    • – Co-Operatives and or associations representing public sector workers except where its operations and decision making are entirely independent.
    • b) Private Sector Borrower – defined as any other entity incorporated in the Federal Republic of Nigeria including corporations, developers, non-governmental organisations, joint venture
      partnerships etc;
  • 2.2 Borrower Requirements
  • All borrowers are required to meet the following eligibility requirements:
    • a) Be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission to carry out housing development
      and related business or in the case of public sector borrowers, possess appropriate authorization and or approval to enter into a loan agreement. This may be legislative approvals, specific executive authority/decisions or indicated in relevant instruments;
    • b) Have previous experience of or demonstrate capacity required to execute a housing
      development project of the nature and scale being contemplated;
    • c) Have and show proof of own financial capacity to meet project costs not covered by FHFL financing particularly pre-development, pre-sale and statutory approval costs;
    • d) Have project land which meet FHFL Site Selection Criteria and is transferrable to FHFL simultaneously on completion of a Loan Agreement;
    • e) Where necessary, have evidence of compliance with relevant statutory requirements including tax returns;
    • f) Meet FHFL Know your Customer (KYC) requirements.
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Project Eligibility and Requirements.

Project Eligibility
To be eligible for financing by FHFL, project proposals must meet the following requirements:

3.1.1 Project Beneficiaries/Target
Beneficiaries of the project or aspects of it requiring FHFL financing must be predominantly on low to medium income. FHFL will publish Target Cost Indicators (TCIs) periodically to provide guidance. FHFL will generally not provide financial support for projects exceeding current Target Cost Indicators.

3.1.2 Project Scope
Project Proposals must be for a minimum of 250 homes including all necessary service infrastructure and social amenities required for a sustainable community, including but not limited to roads, electricity, water.

3.1.3 Project Site
a) The project site must comply with FHFLs site selection criteria, evidence of detailed site assessment by suitably qualified professional should be provided. The Site Selection Criteria is available on our website. (

b) Project Proposals should provide evidence of legal ownership and/or control of the project site including willingness to transfer same to FHFL as collateral for its financing;

c) Evidence that the project site has received or is eligible to receive planning and other statutory approvals for the type of project proposed should be provided;

3.1.4 Technical Requirements and Standards
Projects must comply with FHFL Project development Standards as published and or revised from time to time except where waivers are obtained in writing. FHFL Independent Project Managers will certify compliance. A copy of the Standards is available on our website.

3.1.5 Social and Environment Considerations
Projects must comply with FHFL’s Social and Environmental Management Policy as published from time to time. Specifically, and for emphasis, all projects funded by FHFL shall:

a) Comply with relevant statutory requirements and achieve prior to disbursement of any funds, written approval by the relevant authorities;

b) Ensure the safety of workers involved in the construction works including but not limited to provision of protective clothing, safety equipment and gadgets, sanitation facilities, appropriate insurance etc;

c) Comply with local labour laws and ensure that no worker employed receives below the minimum wage as prescribed from time to time by the Government of Nigeria and child labour is not employed under any circumstances;

d) Promote equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, race or other considerations with regard to employment of workers and sale/lease of completed homes;

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e) Exclude land that has been expropriated without compensation or where there has been forceful eviction;

f) Demonstrate potential to create jobs and demonstrate preference for locally manufactured inputs.

3.1.6 Eligible Costs
a) Only the following project costs will be eligible for financing from FHFL:
– Building Construction works
– Associated Infrastructure including Estate Roads, Water, Sewage and Power.

b) FHFL will not generally provide finance for:
– Third party land acquisition and associated costs.
– Third party professional Fees

3.1.7 Financial Viability
Eligible projects should provide information on financial viability.

3.1.8 Project Exit
Eligible project proposals must provide confirmed exit strategies. For housing projects for sale, proposals must pre-identify target purchasers, proof of eligibility, home financing undertakings and proof of affordability.

3.1.8 Project Timescale
FHFL lending is generally disposed to projects (or agreed phases) which can be exited (start to completion of last unit sale) within a maximum of 36months.

How to Apply for CBN Social Housing Loan via the FHFL Registration Portal

Once a project sponsor has determined that their project is eligible for a FHFL loan and that it is appropriate for them, they may apply for project financing. FHFL will work on a cooperative basis with the project sponsor to ensure that all requirements for financing are addressed in a timely manner.

Application Process

Step 1: Go to the CBN N200 Billion Social Housing Registration Portal via, then Complete the Online form and upload supporting documents.

Step 2: If project meets FHFL’s initial requirements, sponsor will be required to
submit additional information.

Step 3: Further due diligence carried out including site evaluation. Sponsor required to pay appraisal fee.

Step 4: Feedback.

List of Supporting Documents to Apply for CBN Social Housing Loan.

  • – Copy of Title Documentation
  • – Preliminary drawing
  • – Preliminary development cost (funding requirement summary)
  • – Development agreement (where applicable)
  • – Company Profile detailing;
  • – Proposed marketing strategy with necessary evidence
  • – List of directors and beneficial owners
  • – Company registration details
  • – Records of experience of executing similar projects, personnel etc
  • – Tax information
  • – Evidence of Statutory contribution (Pension, ITF, etc)

Do you have any questions? Need any assistance? Kindly CLICK HERE TO LEAVE A COMMENT and we will gladly get back to you on how to apply for the Central Bank of Nigeria Social Housing Loan successfully.

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14 thoughts on “CBN Social Housing Loan Registration Portal”

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