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- Mon-Fri, 8 am-8 pm;
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Support Number:
Mediangr Phone Number: 0901 654 6880
Advertise on Mediangr
We at are always keen to work with new advertisers and promotion companies to help bring your product to our audience.
We offer majorly two types of advertising:
1. Text Advertising: This is also known as a sponsored post. Advertising offers are welcome if you have a product you think our readers might be interested in based on what we majorly blog about. With a sponsored post, you get the following benefits:
- We send your advert (Advertorial) to over 30,000 email subscribers.
- The Advertorial will be on our Featured List (Front Page) for one day.
- The Advert / Advertorial will be posted on our Facebook Likes wall
- The Advert/Advertorial will remain on our website as long as exists and will bring everlasting traffic to your program through our website and Search Engines, like Google, Bing, etc.
2. Banner Advertising: We also have 300 x 250 advertising spaces (sidebar).
3. See more advert positions on Mediangr here
Want to make Advert Enquiry, Request our Rate Card or Ask Questions regarding Ads on Mediangr? Send us a Mail at
Mediangr Phone Number:
Mediangr Phone Number:Â Â 0901 654 6880