Covenant University Postgraduate Courses – Full List of PG Programmes

Covenant University Postgraduate Courses – Full List of PG Programmes: Here is the complete list of postgraduate courses offered at the Covenant University.

The management of the Covenant University has advertised the following postgraduate programmes for the 2025/2026 academic session admission exercise.

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Covenant University Postgraduate Courses.

Are you looking for the current/approved list of postgraduate (PGDE, MSc, and PhD) courses offered at the Covenant University, Ota that you can apply to study for the 2025/2026 academic year? Below is the list of postgraduate-pg programmes available at Covenant University SPGS.

List of Covenant University Postgraduate Courses.

Below is the full detail of all the Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered at the Covenant University, CU.​​

  • Accounting
  • Banking And Finance
  • Business Management
  • Economics
  • Mass Communication
  • Sociology
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical And Information Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Political Science And International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Languages And General Studies
  • Leadership Studies And Technology
  • Architecture
  • Building Technology
  • Estate Management
  • Biological Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Computer And Information Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Covenant University Postgraduate Courses (Programmes) 2025/2026.

The management of Covenant University has advertised the following postgraduate programmes for the 2025/2026 academic session admission exercise.

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The postgraduate programmes available in our four Colleges are as follows:



Programme: Accounting
Degree in View: M.Sc
Areas of Specialization
1. Public Sector Accounting
2. Environmental Accounting
3. Management Accounting
4. Oil and Gas Accounting
5. Taxation
6. Financial Reporting
7. Auditing
8. International Accounting
9. Management Information Systems
10. Corporate Governance

Specific Requirements:
Degree(s) in Accounting; possession of final professional certificates (ICAN, ACCA, CPA,etc.) is considered an added advantage.


Programme: Finance
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Sc/ACIB (Weekend), M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization: Ph.D
1. International Finance
2. Corporate Finance
3. Financial Development
4. Banking Operations
5. Public Sector Finance
Candidates with degree(s) in Economics, Accounting, or Business Administration may be


Programme: Business Administration
Degree in View: MBA, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization:
1. Operations Management
2. International Management
3. International Business
4. Organizational Politics/Corporate Governance
5. Management
6. Organizational Behavior
7. Strategic Management

Programme: Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management
Degree inView:M.Sc, MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization:
1. Marketing Information Systems/Research
2. Consumer Behavior
3. International Marketing
4. Logistics/Distribution Management
5. Digital/Contemporary Marketing
6. Political Marketing
7. Product/Brand Management
8. Service Marketing

Programme: Marketing
Degree in View: M.Sc, MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization:
1. Strategic HRM
2. International HRM
3. Recruitment/Selection
4. Conflict Management
5. Compensation Management
6. Performance Management
7. Human Resource Development
8. Employee Relations
9. E-HRM
10. Human Resource Information System

Candidates with degree(s) in other business related disciplines such as Accounting, Finance
and Actuarial Science may be considered.


Programme: Economics
Degree inView:  M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Development Economics
2. Dynamic Macroeconomics
3. Environmental Economics
4. Health and Labour Economics
5. Institutional Economics
6. International Economics
7. Land and Agricultural Economics
8. Microeconomics and Informal Sector Economy
9. Monetary and Financial Economics
10. Resource and Energy Economics

Programme: Demography and Social Statistics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Demographic Analysis
2. Social Statistics
3. Population and Development
4. Family Planning and Reproductive Health
5. Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
6. Men’s Reproductive Health
7. Gender and Sexual Health
8. Fertility and Mortality Studies
9. Ageing
10. Social Marketing and Development
11. Migration and Internally Displayed Persons
12. Epidemiology of Communicable and NonCommunicable Diseases
13. Programmes Monitoring and Evaluation


Programme: Mass Communication
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization: M.Sc
1. Advertising and Marketing Communication
2. Broadcast (Radio,Television and Film)
3. Print/Online Journalism (Newspaper and Magazine)
4. Public Relations/Public Affairs
Areas of Specialization: M.Phil, Ph.D
1. Journalism
2. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies

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Programme: Sociology
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Gender and Development Studies
2. Population Studies
3. Family and Reproductive Health
4. Industrial Sociology
5. Political Sociology
6. Rural Sociology
7. Cultural Studies
8. Medical Sociology
9. Sociology of Development
10. Sociology of Entrepreneurship
11. Political Sociology
12. Gerontology
13. Urban Sociology
14. Criminology and Security Studies
15. Sociology of Education
16. Sociology and Media Studies
17. Military Sociology
18. Social Problems



Programme: Counselling
Degree in View: M.A, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Career Counselling
2. Family and Marital Counselling
3. School Counselling
Programme: Psychology
Degree in View:M.Sc, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Counselling Psychology
2. Clinical Psychology
3. Organizational Psychology


Programme: International Relations
Degree in View:M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Programme:Political Science
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Programme: Policy & Strategic Studies
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Programme: Public Administration
Degree in View: M.Sc, MPA, M.Phil, Ph.D, MPA:
Areas of Specialization
1. Public Policy and Administration
2. Personnel Management


Programme: English
Degree in View: M.A, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Language
2. Literature



Degree in View: M.Sc


Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Enzymology
2. Food and Nutritional Biochemistry
3. Pharmacology and Medicinal Plant Research
4. Industrial Biochemistry
5. Clinical Biochemistry
6. Environmental and Toxicological
7. Molecular Oncology and Cancer Research
8. Molecular Biology


Programme: Biology (Applied Biology & Biotechnology)
Degree in View: M.Sc., MPhil., Ph.D.
Areas of Specialization:
1. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (M.Sc Only)
2. Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics
3. Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
4. P l a n t G e n e t i c D i v e r s i t y a n d Conservation
5. M o l e c u l a r S y s t e m a t i c s a n d Cytogenetics
6. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Biology
7. Fisheries and Hydrobiology
8. Conservation Biology and Spatial Ecology

Programme: Microbiology
Degree in View: M.Sc., MPhil., Ph.D.
Areas of Specialization
1. Environmental Microbiology and
2. Food Microbiology and Biotechnology
3. I n d u s t r i a l M i c r o b i o l o g y a n d Biotechnology
4. Medical Microbiology/ Medical Parasitology
5. Virology
6. Immunology


Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Construction Management
2. Building Services
3. Maintenance Management
4. Facility Management
5. Building structure


Programme: Industrial Chemistry
Degree inView: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D


Programme: Computer Science
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Software Engineering
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Bioinformatics
4. Mobile Computing
5. Data Mining
6. Cybercrime Security/Digital Forensic
7. Machine Learning
8. Networking

Programme: Management Information System (MIS)
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Software Engineering
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Information System
4. E-Commerce Research
5. Mobile Computing
6. Cybercrime Security/Digital Forensic
7. Big data Analytics
8. Health Informatics
9. Data Communication
10. Data Communication/Network


Programme: Estate Management
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D


Programme: Industrial Mathematics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Numerical Methods/Analysis
2. Optimization
3. Differential equations
4. Financial
5. Functional Analysis
6. Operations Research
7. Mathematical Statistics
8. Fluid Mechanics


Programme: Industrial Physics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Atmospheric & Communication Physics
2. Renewable Energy and Material Physics
3. Radiation and Health Physics
4. Applied Geophysics


Programme: Chemical Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Energy and Renewable Energy
2. Catalysis and Chemical Reaction
3. C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g Thermodynamics
4. Transport and Separation Process

Programme: Civil Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization:
1. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
2. S t r u c t u r a l a n d M a t e r i a l s Engineering
3. Geo-Technical Engineering
4. Highway and Transportation Engineering

Programme: Computer Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Area of Specialization
1. Cyber Security
2. Biometrics
3. Machine Intelligence

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Programme: Electrical & ElectronicsEngineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Power & Machines
2. Renewable Energy
P r o g r a m m e : I n fo r m a t i o n & Communication Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization 
1. Satellite Communication
2. Wireless Communications
3. IOT & Embedded Systems
4. Cyber Security

Programme:Mechanical Engineering
Degree in View:M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization
1. Machine Design and Production Technology
2. Thermo fluid/ Energy System
3. Materials/ Metallurgical Engineering
4. Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering 5. Mechatronics Engineering


Programme:Petroleum Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, Ph.D
Areas of Specialization: M.Eng
1. Reservoir Engineering
2. Petroleum Production Engineering
3. Petroleum Economics
4. Drilling Engineering

Areas of Specialization: Ph.D
1. Reservoir Engineering
2. Petroleum Production Engineering

  • General Requirements:

Interested candidates shall complete the application form on the University portal and provide all relevant documents as specified on the application form, including certificates of degrees and/or diplomas, academic transcripts, reference letters, and a 500-word statement of intent in the proposed research area. Candidates who are Nigerian citizens shall, in addition, provide the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) discharge, exemption or exclusion certificate. Each candidate shall request and ensure that the institution(s) attended process and forward official academic transcript(s) directly to the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies. Only candidates whose transcripts have been received will be considered for admission. The completed form and all documents should be submitted latest by May 30, 2025.

  • Masters Degree Programme:

Candidates seeking admission to the Masters degree Programme of Covenant University must possess a Bachelor’s degree from Covenant University or any other University recognized by the Senate of Covenant University, with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) in the relevant discipline. Candidates with Third Class Bachelor’s degree or HND (Upper Credit) who in addition, possess a Postgraduate diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 on a 5.00 scale in a relevant discipline may be considered. Minimum duration of study for the award of the Masters degree is two academic sessions for full-time.

  • Ph.D Degree Programme:

Candidates seeking admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree Programme of Covenant University must possess the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees of Covenant University or any other University recognized by the Senate of Covenant University in the relevant discipline.To qualify for direct entry into the Ph.D degree programme, a candidate must have a minimum CGPA of 4.00 on a 5.00 scale or equivalent ( 6 0 % ) in the Masters(M.A/M.Sc/M.Eng/M.Tech) degree result.
Candidates who graduated with CGPA of 3.50–3.99 on a 5.00 point scale or equivalent (55–59%) in the Master’s degree may be considered for M.Phil/Ph.D programme. Covenant University shall award M.Phil degree to M.Phil/Ph.D candidate who fails to meet up with a minimum CGPA of 4.00 upon the completion of coursework examination. Such candidate shall proceed to write a long essay/project and upon successful defence of the project would be awarded an M.Phil degree in the respective discipline. The M.Phil/Ph.D programme is intended to prepare candidates for the Ph.D degree. Candidates with professional Master’s degrees are not eligible for the Ph.D programme except they obtained M.Sc degrees in the relevant fields. The minimum duration of study for the award of Ph.D degree is three academic sessions for full-time mode.

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The Covenant Business School (CBS) offers Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree Programme with options in: Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Real Estate. Candidates seeking admission to the MBA degree Programme must possess a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline with at least a second class lower division from Covenant University or any other university recognized by the Senate.

Candidates with Third Class Bachelor’s degree, HND (minimum of Lower Credit) in a relevant discipline or professional qualifications such as ACA, ICAN, ACIB, etc. must have, in addition, a Postgraduate diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 to qualify for admission. The duration of study for the award of the MBA degree is two academic sessions (Full-time). “Applicants are to note that all postgraduate programmes in Covenant University are on full time basis except the M.Sc/ACIB programme which operates on part time.”

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Additional opportunities for Masters/Ph.D degree students include the following:

  • Industrial/professional experience via our internship programme.
  • Certificate/Diploma programme in Leadership.
Covenant University Postgraduate Admission Form
Covenant University Postgraduate Admission Form

Covenant University Postgraduate Admission Requirements

There are general and specific requirements for admission into the Postgraduate programmes of Covenant University. This policy contains the requirements and procedure for admission into the different Postgraduate programmes available in the University.

Covenant University Postgraduate General Requirements

Interested candidates shall complete the application form on the University portal and provide all relevant documents as specified on the application form, including certificates of degrees and/or diplomas, academic transcripts, reference letters, statement of purpose, concept note on the proposed area of research and nomination of potential supervisors from the department of their interests.

Candidates are expected to interact with the departmental websites via the School of Postgraduate Studies website for the potential supervisors academic and research profile.

Candidates who are Nigerian citizens shall, in addition, provide the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) discharge, exemption or exclusion certificate.

Each candidate shall request and ensure that the institution(s) attended process and forward official academic transcript(s) directly to the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies.

Only candidates whose transcripts have been received will be considered for admission.

Covenant University Master’s Degree Programme

Candidates seeking admission to the Masters degree Programme of Covenant University must possess a Bachelor’s degree from Covenant University or any other University recognized by the Senate of Covenant University.

Preferably, candidates with First class, second class (Upper division) and Second Class (Lower Division with a minimum CGPA of 3.00) in the relevant discipline may apply.

Minimum duration of study for the award of the Masters degree is two academic sessions for full-time.

Covenant University PhD Degree Programme

Candidates seeking admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree Programme of Covenant University must possess the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees of Covenant University or any other University recognized by the Senate of Covenant University in the relevant discipline.

  • To qualify for direct entry into the Ph.D degree programme, a candidate must have a minimum CGPA of 4.00 on a 5.00 scale or equivalent (60%) in the Master’s (M.A/M.Sc/M.Eng/M.Tech) degree result.
  • Candidates who graduated with CGPA of 3.50–3.99 on a 5.00 point scale or equivalent (55–59%) in the Master’s degree may be considered for M.Phil/Ph.D programme.
  • Covenant University shall award M.Phil degree to M.Phil/Ph.D candidate who fails to meet up with a minimum CGPA of 4.00 upon the completion of coursework examination.
  • Such candidate shall proceed to write a long essay/project and upon successful defence of the project would be awarded an M.Phil degree in the respective discipline.

The M.Phil/Ph.D programme is intended to prepare candidates for the Ph.D degree.

Candidates with professional Master’s degrees are not eligible for the Ph.D programme except they obtained M.Sc degrees in the relevant fields.

The minimum duration of study for the award of Ph.D degree is three academic sessions for full-time mode.

Covenant University Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The Covenant Business School (CBS) offers Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree Programme with options in: Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Real Estate.

Candidates seeking admission to the MBA degree Programme must possess:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline with at least a second class lower division from Covenant University or any other university recognized by the Senate.
  • Candidates with Third Class Bachelor’s degree, HND (minimum of Upper Credit) in a relevant discipline or professional qualifications such as ACA, ICAN, ACIB, etc. must have, in addition, a Postgraduate diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 to qualify for admission. The duration of study for the award of the MBA degree is two academic sessions (Full-time).
  • Applicants are to note that all postgraduate programmes in Covenant University are on full-time basis except M.Sc/ACIB Finance programme which operates on a part-time.

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