Top Useful Tips for Very Lazy People That Will Cheer You Up

Being lazy is a big and responsible job, so we decided to tell you about 9 useful tips that will make your life much easier. The next time you’re too lazy to wash dishes and sweep the floor, try using them.

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We Eat without the Help of Hands

Whoever came up with this trick was a genius. If you can’t take food with your hands, take a hooded sweatshirt and your favorite snack. Put the jacket on backwards, so that the hood is in front of you. Then pour popcorn, crackers, sea pebbles, in general, whatever you like into the hood, and then tilt your face forward and start eating.

Pasta from the Kettle

This trick will appeal to all those who do not have a stove. For example, students who live in a dormitory. So, if you need to cook dinner quickly or if you are just too lazy to spend a lot of time cooking, then use the kettle to cook your favorite pasta. Yes, that’s right, he will perfectly fulfill the role of a saucepan. Just put the pasta in the kettle and turn it on. Wait until the pasta is finally cooked. Add your favorite pasta sauce to them, and voila, a delicious and nutritious dish is ready.

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Easy and Simple to Wash Dishes

Washing dishes for a lazy person is just a punishment. Even just loading dirty dishes into the dishwasher may be too lazy for him. Especially for such people, we want to advise on how to ensure that your plates just shine clean every day. So, the next time you want to eat, cover your plate with a piece of cling film. Now you can put food on it. When you’re done eating, all you have to do is just take off the film and throw it in the trash. Brilliant, isn’t it?

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How to Clean the Keyboard Easily

Cleaning the keyboard from all the crumbs, dirt, and dust that clogged under the keys is still a pleasure, especially when you don’t have a can of compressed air at hand. In this case, use regular stickers. Just swipe the sticky side of the stickers with the keys, and there will be no trace of dust and crumbs.

So That the Shoes Do Not Untie

If you are a super-lazy person, then tying your shoelaces can be an unaffordable task for you. You won’t believe it, but some people lazily bend over to tie a shoe, and who agree to walk all day with their laces untied just to avoid doing it. Especially for such people, we want to give the following advice. If you want your shoelaces to never come undone, just use transparent glue. Drop it on the knot on the laces, but first make sure that you have not tightened the laces too tightly and that you will be able to put on a tied shoe. With this trick, you can forget about the need to tie shoes forever.

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Sweeping the Floor

If you have a pair of old fluffy socks, and the floors at your house are not covered with carpets, then you will like this advice. To remove the garbage from the floor, put on socks and just start rolling on the floor. Socks will collect all the dust, dirt, cat hair, and everything else that can be on your floor. All lazy people will surely appreciate this trick because now they do not need to pick up a mop to collect dust from the floor. Plus, it’s a fun and original way to keep the house clean.

How Easy It Is to Wash the Blender

If you’ve ever washed a blender, then you know how difficult it can be to wash it. Especially for you, we want to give advice – the next time you need to clean it, forget about the traditional manual method of washing. Do this. Pour water into the blender and drip a little dish detergent, then turn on the blender and let it work for a couple of minutes. After that, rinse it. You will be surprised how clean it will become.

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